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Training & Education
Training and Education

NM Physician Curriculum

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Clinical Radiology Curriculum

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Schools and Students

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Nuclear Medicine Technologists' Competencies - EANM

The EANM Technologist committee published this year a benchmark document for nuclear medicine technologist competencies.

This is an update from a competency document originally from 1998 which itself was adapted from BNMS competencies written by the BNMS Technology group (a forerunner of the RTN group)

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Training Requirements for the Specialty of Nuclear Medicine

During the Council of the UEMS held in Tel-Aviv April 26-28, the Training Requirements for the Specialty of Nuclear Medicine was discussed and officially endorsed.

Find in the below link the effectual Training Requirements for the Speciality of Nuclear Medicine.

This document derives from the previous Chapter 6 of the Training Charter and provides definitions of specialist competencies and procedures as well as how to document and assess them. It aims to provide the training requirements not only for trainees, but also for trainers and training institutions.

Compared with the previous version, hybrid imaging is now fully integrated in the content of training with regard to both the theoretical knowledge and the practical and clinical skills. The document also contains appendices that list the nuclear medicine diagnostic and therapeutic procedures performed in the European Union.

Training Requirements for the Specialty of Nuclear Medicine

Apprenticeships in Nuclear Medicine

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Faculty of Physician Associates

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Quality Assurance for SPECT systems

New learning e-modules are available on the IAEA website

Quality Assurance for SPECT systems modules can be accessed here

New Publication Released Online: PET/CT Atlas on Quality Control and Image Artefacts

The new IAEA publication “PET/CT Atlas on Quality Control and Image Artefacts” has been released on the Internet.

Follow this link here

NHS Higher Specialist Scientific Training Programme (HSST) 2014

The recruitment process for the NHS Higher Specialist Scientific Training Programme (HSST) 2014 is now open.

Further information is available on the NHS Careers website

Read HSST Advert Release

View Core Person Specification for entry to Higher Specialist Scientific Training

Circulated by
The National School of Healthcare Science

Training-Prove Your Skills On A European Level UEMS/EBNM: FEBNM 2014

The UEMS/EBNM Fellowship Committee organizes the annual European Board of Nuclear Medicine Examination, which leads to the European Fellowship.

The Certificate of Fellowship of the European Board of Nuclear Medicine proves that the candidate's knowledge and ability in Nuclear Medicine satisfy European standards.

The upcoming FEBNM Exam is scheduled to take place
April 25-27, 2014
UEMS/EBNM Secretariat
Hollandstrasse 14 / Mezzanine
1020 Vienna, AT

Read the announcement flyer of all FEBNM dates in 2014 here.
Please find relevant documents and information at

New MSc Programmes Consultation

The Modernising Scientific Careers (MSC) programme has developed new MSc programmes to support the delivery of the Healthcare Scientist Training Programme.

This work has been led by the Professional Advisers in the Department of Health MSC team and has benefited from extensive professional and NHS involvement. Colleagues from your Professional Body may have been involved in the development of the programmes and in addition may also have sought comments from other colleagues and/or one of your committees.

The Education and Training Working Group of the Medical Education England Healthcare Science Programme Board, which provides professional advice on education and training issues to the Secretary of State and his advisors in DH, has reviewed and commented on the MSc Learning Outcomes and Indicative content for the Scientist Training Programme.

The ETWG has formally requested the BNMS's comments on the STP MSc Learning Outcomes and indicative content, which the MEE ETWG would be pleased to consider during their next meeting.

If you have any comments that you would like to make please send them to us at before 21st April 2011.

Nuclear Medicine for Medical Students and Junior Doctors


Download pdf

Educational templates as published in NMC

Multi-professional Educational Templates for Myocardial Perfusion Imaging (MPI) from Nuclear Medicine Education Committee Sub-group of BNMS Education (abstract pdf)

Myocardial Perfusion Imaging template

Links to Information for Health Professionals IAEA

The Certificate of Fellowship of the European Board in Nuclear medicine is intended to demonstrate that candidates knowledge and ability in nuclear medicine satisfy European standards. You can download all relevant documents from the EANM website

Interested in Nuclear Medicine Education?

Click here to download the latest report from CANME (Consortium for the Accreditation of Nuclear Medicine Education) - this gives the terms of reference of this joint body and a summary of their recent activities.



© 2013 BNMS unless otherwise stated.
The BNMS is a registered as a company in England and Wales with number 08082786.  The BNMS is a charity governed by the rules of the Charity Commission for England and Wales - Registered Number 1150234.  Registered Office: The Royal College of Physicians, 11 St. Andrew's Place, Regent's Park, London NW1 4LE.
The British Nuclear Medicine Society is not able to give specific clinical advice to members of the public. If you are concerned about your scan or therapy please seek the opinion of a nuclear medicine clinician where you were seen or the clinician who referred you to the department or your GP.
Enquiries related to issues such as internships and work experience opportunities, should be directed to the relevant professional body e.g., for radiologists, this will be the Royal College of Radiologists.